Sharon Manor
Construction has Started
After over a year of planning, grant writing, and development details, we are excited to share with you the beginning of our Sharon Manor expansion. Construction has started!
Thank you Donors and Partners
City of Flagstaff
Home Matters to Arizona
Shapes & Forms Architecture
Hope Construction
Anonymous Individual Donors
If you’d like to make a donation to support our expansion, you can make a convenient, secure online gift by clicking "donate" below.
The Plan
We are adding a second story to the Sharon Manor building. This will allow us to create five new apartments – four 2-bedroom units and one 1-bedroom unit. The additional units will increase our capacity us to serve victims of domestic violence by 21%. Our greatest demand and longest waiting lists are for 2-bedroom units. The expansion of these units will help us to reduce our waiting lists over time.
We are also rehabilitating the bottom floor of the Sharon Manor house, converting from eight communal living units that share common space and bathrooms into eight independent studio apartments, each with their own bathrooms and kitchenettes. The bottom floor will still have community space, space for our ongoing children’s program and the larger kitchen. The independent studios will enable us to better serve parents with minor children, male victims of domestic violence and individuals who are transgender, as each unit will have privacy and its own bathroom.