Affordable Rentals
Housing Solutions has 21 affordable rental units in Flagstaff, all of which are currently occupied. We regret that at this time our rental waiting list is closed. Please review the "resource" section on this page for other housing resources in our community.
Housing Solutions of Northern Arizona complies with the HUD Fair Housing Act and the Americans with Disabilities Act and does not discriminate based on race, color, national origin, religion, sex, familial status (families with children under 18 years of age or pregnancy, or disability (physical and/or mental).
Wait List
We regret that at this time, our rental waiting list is closed. Please review the "resource" section on this page for other housing resources in our community.
Housing Referrals
Helps individuals experiencing homelessness identify a housing solution by linking them to local resources.
An online housing/rental search tool helping you quickly identify rental options available in Arizona.
Assists low-income families with safe, decent, and affordable housing opportunities with Section 8 Housing Choice Vouchers, Public Housing, and Clark Homes.
Please download Flagstaff's Resource Guide for a more comprehensive list of resources offered in our community. An abbreviated list of housing specific resources is provided below.
Call 211 for information on shelters, food pantries and agencies related to your emergency needs.
Year-round emergency shelter and services for any adult man or woman experiencing homelessness.
Emergency shelter for men experiencing homelessness.
Emergency shelter for women and their children experiencing homelessness.
Gender inclusive shelter for victims and survivors of Domestic Violence, Sexual Assault and Trafficking. Open to all family compositions.
Northland Family Help Center Youth Shelter
Gender inclusive shelter for unaccompanied children and youth.