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Join Our Team


Weekly volunteers are needed to help with our Children's Program  at Sharon Manor*, in our office with program and administrative  support, 
at Sharon's Attic Thrift Store, and by serving on board and various organizational committees. We also have opportunities for one-time seasonal and special event volunteer activities. If you or your group have time to share with us, we'd love to have your expertise.


Please contact us to learn more.


*Due to state regulations, Sharon Manor volunteer opportunities are limited to adults only and requires background and fingerprint clearance.

Career Opportunities

We appreciate your interest in joining our team! Below are our current job openings:

Position Title: HSNAZ Case Manager


Position Summary: This position provides individual case management for clients and tenants of Housing Solutions of Northern Arizona (HSNAZ) to assist in their ability to acquire and maintain access to safe, stable housing. They will assist residents at JoJo’s Place, Oak Wash Homes and additional HSNAZ programs with the development and implementation of an Individual Action Plan to secure permanent, stable housing as well as meet with residents to assist with referrals to programs for additional assistance and to meet basic needs.


Full Position Description: Click Here

Employment Application: Click Here


To Apply: Please completion the employment application and submit along with your resume to Director of Rental Programs: Jermaine Barkley:

Position Title: Sharon Manor Case Manager


Position Summary: This position requires individual case management for survivors at Sharon Manor who are overcoming domestic violence and building self-sufficiency for themselves and their families.  They will assist residents at Sharon Manor with the development and implementation of transitional goals to move them toward self-sufficiency as well as meet with residents weekly or as deemed necessary to monitor progress and help overcome challenges as they build skills for their futures.  They will identify community resources for residents and work to successfully refer them to outside programs for additional assistance.  â€‹


Full Position Description: Click Here

Employment Application: Click Here


To Apply: Please completion the employment application and submit along with your resume to COO: Matt Bruton:

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