Legacy Gift Types
Pathways Commonly Used to Make Legacy Gifts
Bequest in a Will or Trust
Beneficiary Designation (on retirement assets such as pensions plans and IRA’s, life insurance policies, or bank accounts)
You can designate Housing Solutions as a beneficiary by requesting a “Change of Beneficiary” form from your plan administrator and adding Housing Solutions as a beneficiary. This helps you give to an important cause without paying the estate tax or the tax that is charged when individual beneficiaries receive the transferred funds.
Charitable Remainder Trust
Charitable Lead Trust
IRA Charitable Rollover
Partial or full ownership transfer (with stocks, bonds, or real estate)
Assets Commonly Used for Legacy Gifts
Appreciated Assets (real estate, stocks, bonds, and currency)
Retirement Assets (pension plans, IRA’s)
Life Insurance Policy
Tangible Personal Property (for example, a vehicle or boat)
Cryptocurrency and NFT